Topless Kate Photos Charges, Legal sources in Paris said she was believed to be Valerie Suau, who took the images of Kate in the south of the country in September.
Ms Suau originally described her pictures, published in France’s La Provence regional newspaper, as “all decent”.
But she is now facing a criminal trial along with the publisher of French Closer magazine which first ran the shocking pictures...REPORTED
Kate and Prince William took legal action against Closer in September. Their lawyer Aurelien Hamelle described the Duchess as “a young woman, not an object”.
He said the royal couple had suffered a “grotesque breach of privacy” and felt “violated” during a “highly intimate moment during a scene of married life”.
Ms Suau, whose name is pronounced ’sewer’, has kept a low profile ever since the case.But police are believed to have arrested her earlier this month.
She took the photos on September 5 as the couple relaxed at Viscount Linley’s retreat, Chateau d’Autet, in Provence.
Mr Hamelle told the court William and Kate could not have known they were being spied on and a photographer would have needed a long lens, even if he or she was on a public road.
Mr Hamelle said that if the original digital images were not handed in, the Mondadori group - which publishes Closer - should be fined £8,000 a day for non-compliance.
The Duke and Duchess also launched criminal proceedings against the then unnamed photographer under France’s strict privacy laws.
Ms Suau has denied being responsible for taking any indecent images.
Delphine Pando, representing the magazine, argued that topless photographs were no longer considered shocking.
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